The One Step Further disease awareness campaign and materials are being developed and funded by Alnylam in collaboration with Amyloidosis UK to provide advice and support for those caring for someone with ATTR amyloidosis.

After being diagnosed with ATTR amyloidosis Pat, and his wife Trish were initially ‘shell-shocked’. In these videos they discuss the diagnosis, living with ATTR, how it feels to be a wife and also at times feel like a caregiver, and how they decided to tell their daughter, Gabby, about this hereditary condition.
Being a caregiver and a partner
Going through diagnosis
Life with ATTR
Telling our daughter

In these videos, Libby, who used to care for her nan who had ATTR amyloidosis, talks to her great-uncle, David, who also has the condition. Together, they discuss the grief of losing a family member with ATTR, the impact a diagnosis has on the wider family, where you can turn to for help as a caregiver of someone with ATTR and how it can feel to care for someone with the condition.
Dealing with grief
Impact of diagnosis
Knowing where to turn
Life on hold

In their video, Saint, who was diagnosed with the V122I form of amyloidosis in 2018 discusses his journey with the condition with his son, Alexander. Together, they talk about the information received from healthcare professionals and the importance of having supportive friends and family.
Saint’s V122I amyloidosis journey
The One Step Further disease awareness campaign and materials are being developed and funded by Alnylam in collaboration with Amyloidosis UK to provide advice and support for those caring for someone with ATTR amyloidosis. Alnylam pharmaceuticals has had no input into content not related to the One Step Further campaign on this website.
Job Code: NP-UK-00108 Date of Prep: April 2022 Disclaimer: Alnylam Pharmaceuticals has had no input into content not related to the One Step Further campaign on this website.